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I Am Alone

I Am Alone

During this season of my life, I am alone. Alone is sometimes a word I like, but not right now. Being a mother of three, alone is a rare thing, and when I choose alone, I love it. But I don’t like it right now. Choosing to be alone, and having the opportunity to...
Curiosity Killed the Snake

Curiosity Killed the Snake

[line] This blog is the second in a series titled: “Signs of Redemption” • Part 1: Does God Even Care? • Part 2: Curiosity Killed the Snake [line] Have you ever wondered if God cares? If He actually sees what is going on, or if He is going to do anything...
Bring It On, Lice and All!

Bring It On, Lice and All!

I guess I get another shot to get some things right. Darn. An aspect of my life that I thought was over is not. My husband, Ron, traveled for his job 15 years, and I was getting really tired of it. Tired of being a single parent during the week. Tired of not going out...
It’s Time to Tell Our Story

It’s Time to Tell Our Story

It’s time to tell our story, before we know the end of it. Time, that precious commodity, is running out. People who know our situation keep inquiring. In July, we moved to Vermont for 6 months because we had just sold our house and needed a place to live while...